Home Is Where the HeART Is - 10/12/18
The exciting Silent Art Auction benefit for Arcata House Partnership, October 12, 2018, was made especially festive with music by Die Geister Beschworen and wine and other beverages and food by Arcata House Partnership. Generous community members purchased nearly all the art on offer and made additional donations to raise $8,826 to move people off the streets and into safe and secure housing.
Special recognition is gratefully given to all those who made the event possible. Business, design and community skills were provided by organizers Jaffa Dugan, Julie Fulkerson and Alex Stillman. Local artists and art collectors donated the artwork. The Stebbins family made the venue available at no cost. Staff and board members helped with sales, set up and clean up.
Photographs by Heather Schueneman.